
Friday, February 28

I thought my nose was broke last night, when I walked right into one of Sifus punches. He was just demonstrating a technique and ofcourse stupid me I walked right in to it. The sad thing is that I know what was coming. Anyways there was a loud pop sound which I still hope was his nuckles poping. A little blood but not anything worth it. Does not look or feel broken this morning so I guess everything is fine as long as I dont forget and rub nose to hard. Funny thing is the other day while I was making a little brown baby (as John would say) I was reading one to my sisters teen magizines. Well it asked if you could change one thing on your face what would it be. As I got go poundering the idea of what I would change, I came the the fact that I like my face not anything I would want to change. But over 50% of all girls have a problem with there nose. I personaly cant picture myself with another nose nor do I want to really for that matter. I think my nose fits me pretty well. I wish it was not stuffed up all the time. But the over all apperance of it I want to keep it the was it is. With this being said I almost got a free nose job last night. Just my luck....

As I am watching myself blog right now I have learned something about myself something I have knew all along. But some I type alot of times I think one word like "the" and type "that" wonder why?

Thursday, February 27

I made it through another cold night, I almost went and got the dog to come help keep me warm. But I did not want to risk the chance to coming out from the already warm covers and getting colder agian. Its funny see for me not matter how bad that I have to pee in the mornings. Or when I was little (younger) and heard something outside my window. Not matter what I did not want to the the safty/warmth of my covers. I suppose if someone were to come in and rob the place I would just fight him with my blanket rapped around me. Kinda like those ladys in the old kungfu movies using the dress to defet the bad guys. However I would probably trip over it and fall, knocking myself out. Which would give the bad guy access to anything in my room that he would want. *Plz dont take the PS2*

Oh the DDR update, ups.com says it should be here Friday (does not give a time) yahoo!! Doh! gtg going to be late for my private with Sifu, What better way to start off a moring,
Beat Up

Wednesday, February 26

My heater is broke! Its been broke for a few weeks, now at first it was not so bad. But then agian it was not ice cold outside. Oh and on top of it all my Mom thinks the heater god is going to come down from the sky and fix it, so we must keep it on at all times just in case it comes on. So its blowing out cold air, and to give you a little hit how bad it is right now you can walk outside and the only difference is there is not quite as much a breeze nor is it wet. I must say this sucks!

The other day, a crazy woman cut me off on the road. As she screeched to a stop a mere two inches in front of me, I got a nice view of her rather ironicbumper sticker. It read Why am I the only one on the planet who knows how to drive??Thats funny... I was just thinking the same thing. She sped off before I ask her which planet she was referring to.
Well didnt make it Dallas today due to the weather, really suxz. Oh well I suppose going Saturday wont be to bad. I was going to be really tired tommorow anyways after going tonight. Maybe if I go to make your own boba.com I can just make my own. I also need to get directions to Fat Straws. This time I think I will get a shirt. Since the highlight of my day is not coming for another 3 days over all day I get it a 3.

Tuesday, February 25

Well I have been haveing some massive problems with my computer at home, now what those might be I dont know. The only thing I know is that something is wrong. So I talk to Adam today about building a computer. Now after thinking long and hard about it, I am thinking that its the way to go for sure. I can get a kick ass computer for around 500 - 700 bucks just depends on what all I want. I am also thinking about saving up for one of those nice little flat screens. Ofcourse I am still dreaming but I have a feeling that with in the next few weeks it will be time to start making my dreams come true. [after my tax reture check comes in, I also want to get a head on all my bills] Might be time to look in to another job or get married for a doctor (:

Monday, February 24

Doh! This is what I get for messing with things, oh well. BOBA tommorow~!
Well we end up going to a party Friday night not to bad was, however my head was not feeling so well Saturday afternoon. Saturday night after babysitting we went to another party at Alans house then Jason showed up Jenna wanted to leave so we went to another party at Holiday Inn. - and how it changed our lives for about an hour- As soon as we got there everyone was drunk and stoned out of this world. Kenny asked me if I wanted a drink -said nope I am driving- About that time I look at Jenna turned around and saw 4 huge guys dressed in black, the whole time just hopeing they were not cops. Well about 3 seconds later the guy turned around and it was cops. Party got so busted everyone but me and another guy got MIPs. I thought I was going to have a heart attack, however I didnt so here I am today. Had an awsome weekend! Very Very event full...

Friday, February 21

Jenna droped in today to visit me at work, awsome! Maybe my social life will have slight improvement compaired to the past few weekends.

Wednesday, February 19

bleh! I need a social life, made up of new friends. Not that the few that I have are not great. All my friends are really just other peoples friends and I just have happen to been in the same place as they have on more that one event. So does that make them a friend - no-. But why sit around feeling sorry for myself? My kungfu needs major improvement, so of l go to work on my 3 sectional.

Monday, February 10

back in town, tell more later...

had an awsome time!

Tuesday, February 4

Seems as if the big question now is, if you had the chance to go to space would you still go? -heck yeh i would- People ask why?
Well you see cars crash everyday tons of people die every month due the reckless driving. And what do we do? We get in a car and go to workevery day, school, ect.
Aside from that I think I am all packed up now, well I am sure I will forget something. Due to the fact that i never double checked my bag for everything like I normally do. I just did not feel like it this time. You are going to forget something reguardless, so why go though the extra trouble??? I think in my near to getting old age I have gotten much to lazy. I dont care what my room looks like, if my car is washed. Because in the end its all not going to matter, nor will it ever just stay clean. How ever I care more and more how my kungfu looks. (:

Saturday, February 1

Doh! no I did not hear the big boom of feel any shake! Due to this space ship crashing caused us to have a very small turn out for our demo today. Sifu Tuson bought the drum and everything. Well not everything they forgot the drum sticks. So we used the double daggers (:

Oh yeh, we are also going to stay a butt load of money going to California. One you Sifu Chengs students is going to let us stay at his house. Thanks Bob. I cant wait am going to drink so much bubble tea -ahhh thai tea- and eat so much awsome chinese food. I am probably going to gain so much wait. So I guess in that case I need to train extra hard now, and extra extra hard when I am there. One of the other guys going Brian, well Sifu broke is finger Friday. Which sucks cuz i know he was really looking forward to the trip. Not that he cant go now, but just the whole thing stinks.

My new word to stop saying is sucks, i say it way to much! I am around way to mean little kids to be saying that as much as i do. So in place of I am just going to use "stinks". Well happy Chinese New Year everyone, sleep tight!

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