
Thursday, February 27

I made it through another cold night, I almost went and got the dog to come help keep me warm. But I did not want to risk the chance to coming out from the already warm covers and getting colder agian. Its funny see for me not matter how bad that I have to pee in the mornings. Or when I was little (younger) and heard something outside my window. Not matter what I did not want to the the safty/warmth of my covers. I suppose if someone were to come in and rob the place I would just fight him with my blanket rapped around me. Kinda like those ladys in the old kungfu movies using the dress to defet the bad guys. However I would probably trip over it and fall, knocking myself out. Which would give the bad guy access to anything in my room that he would want. *Plz dont take the PS2*

Oh the DDR update, ups.com says it should be here Friday (does not give a time) yahoo!! Doh! gtg going to be late for my private with Sifu, What better way to start off a moring,
Beat Up
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