
Friday, February 28

I thought my nose was broke last night, when I walked right into one of Sifus punches. He was just demonstrating a technique and ofcourse stupid me I walked right in to it. The sad thing is that I know what was coming. Anyways there was a loud pop sound which I still hope was his nuckles poping. A little blood but not anything worth it. Does not look or feel broken this morning so I guess everything is fine as long as I dont forget and rub nose to hard. Funny thing is the other day while I was making a little brown baby (as John would say) I was reading one to my sisters teen magizines. Well it asked if you could change one thing on your face what would it be. As I got go poundering the idea of what I would change, I came the the fact that I like my face not anything I would want to change. But over 50% of all girls have a problem with there nose. I personaly cant picture myself with another nose nor do I want to really for that matter. I think my nose fits me pretty well. I wish it was not stuffed up all the time. But the over all apperance of it I want to keep it the was it is. With this being said I almost got a free nose job last night. Just my luck....

As I am watching myself blog right now I have learned something about myself something I have knew all along. But some I type alot of times I think one word like "the" and type "that" wonder why?
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