
Saturday, February 1

Doh! no I did not hear the big boom of feel any shake! Due to this space ship crashing caused us to have a very small turn out for our demo today. Sifu Tuson bought the drum and everything. Well not everything they forgot the drum sticks. So we used the double daggers (:

Oh yeh, we are also going to stay a butt load of money going to California. One you Sifu Chengs students is going to let us stay at his house. Thanks Bob. I cant wait am going to drink so much bubble tea -ahhh thai tea- and eat so much awsome chinese food. I am probably going to gain so much wait. So I guess in that case I need to train extra hard now, and extra extra hard when I am there. One of the other guys going Brian, well Sifu broke is finger Friday. Which sucks cuz i know he was really looking forward to the trip. Not that he cant go now, but just the whole thing stinks.

My new word to stop saying is sucks, i say it way to much! I am around way to mean little kids to be saying that as much as i do. So in place of I am just going to use "stinks". Well happy Chinese New Year everyone, sleep tight!

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