
Friday, October 31

how can such a little bird carry such a massive payload??

Today with Cail. kung fu guys get here! We are going to grill them huge steaks. Hope it does not rain.

Wednesday, October 29

So little time.

Monday, October 27

Wills neighbor is a psycho
This week is going to be crazy... I have already taught 3 of the 11 privates that I have so far for this week. Most of which are on Friday. Teaching is a lot hard, than doing a class. You have to put so much more into it. I have a lot more respect of my ex-gradeschool teachers. All the crap they put up with. I figure Junior High know what they have coming.

Well I am just waiting on the chicken to be done. Wills neighbors are nuts.
Wow, this has been a jammed pack weekend....

Friday, October 24


Ahoy crap, some one is in the bag room working out with there country music cranked up...
I now have to change the order in which I get ready. This morning I fixed my hair, took about 2 seconds. Then put my contacts in, bad idea. Oh the burning. I now have to change my order. Or just add washing my hands to it.

Now I am wondering if cutting my hair off was really that smart. Its only hair that's what I keep saying. Its super easy so why not? I really don't know... Today is going to be sooo boring.

Thursday, October 23

Bag of oats. Bag of oats. Bag of oats. Bag of oats.
I did it, I am now a "porky pine." Looks pretty neat. I am still a little unsure with how I feel about it. I dont hate it though, no I do like it. But so far everyone has liked it. Or atleast they have said they do, maybe they are all liars. naw...
If I go through with this in a hour 15. I will be cutting my hair off.... I cant wait :)

Tuesday, October 21

pics from houston trip

Monday, October 20

We made it alive through the rest of the night. But once again the door chains started to rattle. No knock! It was the maid I guess seeing if we were gone or not. I would have never then thought that this hotel had maids.

Rule for to day: Never stay in the Cheapest Hotel you can find in Houston.

Friday, October 17

We stayed in the most ghetto hotel in Houston.... The smell this room had was worse than all Will and my farts put together over the weekend. It was sooo dirty & sticky. This room was so ghetto we had to make boobie traps from the bathroom. Due to no lock on the window. There were holes in the walls, along with a ton of dirt.

Right before we went to bed we were joking about how bad the hotel was. Little did we know... At around 1 am [I think] we were under attack! I heard the chain on the door rattle. As I was trying to say something loud enough to wake Will up. Yet not let this stupid person know we were awake and ready to kick his ass.

Turns out it was some guard of some sort. I don't know what the deal was. Of why he was even coming to our room. Or what ever happen to "knocking"...

Rule for today: Never stay in a room that tells you to lock the door for to live through the night.
my head hurts agian....

Thursday, October 16

Sweet! Big Will stopped by the school and is going to get my two Thai Teas and some candy. Muhhhahaha I love this new Asian food store. However all day long I have had the worst possible headache on the earth. It hurts to blink sometimes. I think its due to all the caffeine I have been having. So adding more probably wont help. But if it will just make the pain go away.

Another bad thing is it took me around 2 hours to fall asleep last night. Which was around 1 am. Then I woke up two times for along time. I would just be laying there and then think "Hey why and I awake." Then I woke up 30 minutes early and stayed up. No sleep last night at all. Could also have to do with my splitting headache.
Wow! Has anyone seen the new money? Or an I really just this much in the past. Its super thin, and in color. I thought some one was giving me fake money. I would scan it in for everyone to see but then I might go to jail. So why risk it. Everyone can get there own. It is really really weird... The back in all, if you see me today ask to see it.

Wednesday, October 15

This morning I just have been thinking for lifes changes. Change is good. We all need change, were we think so or not.

Tuesday, October 14

Clue less

Its amazing what you do not notice, then one day it just all clicks...
Trash Fest pics are up on Roberts site.
I am so happy :)

Monday, October 13

Muhahah! I have a new mouse! I now don't have to click with a million onces of pressure! only 4 :)
Today has been crazy, I am already ready for the weekend. Every Monday and Wednesday is crazy. But I have got to read a lot today, atleast more than any other day.

Oh yea something else super cool. Today I was going through some of Sifus old books and found his old PADI Diver Manual from when he got certified in 1984. Its really cool looking I cant wait to read. I never thought I would be reading the basic guide again for anything other than review. But I think it will be cool to see how things have changed.

caffeine is bad! My head hurts I have been slamming Advil all day.

Sunday, October 12

I got ready for a guy this morning, ofcourse not just any guy :) I never gotten ready for anyone in my life. I have never wanted to look pretty for someone. Now I did not put make-up on or anything silly. But I did do my hair, which consist of blow drying it. More than I ever do. Weird... [but I like it] On top of that I am listin' to "Theres something about you, New Radicals."

On a funny note, I have never drove stick in a dress. Come to think of it I have never drove before in a dress. Wonder how this will go. Just to top it of I am wearing shoes that way more than my head ea.

Saturday, October 11

I had to end kickboxing class this morning 5 minutes early just to have my morning BM....

Friday, October 10

Today was pretty weird driving home with it still being day light. Everytime I do it I notice something new. Probably has something to do with the fact that it rare when it happens.

I also clean my car just washed it really good, I assume it good. I did not see it cause it was already dark outside. I cleaned the inside out alittle bit. I might de-bage tommorow between jobs. Depends on how much time I end up having.

Time to turn in...
I am now done with all my work... Now I must sit until 6. I am board out of my mind. I feel like I have already seen everything on eBay. I cant wait to go home and wash my car, clean it out make it look pretty. I am not going to do the whole 8 hour process, stripping the oxidized paint off. However I think I am going to wax it. So if you are wondering if its going to rain this weekend the answer is yes. Probably flood. Doh! I take back I am not done I have to start training someone to teach bag room classes. Fun. Fun. Fun.


Niko: Hey-- Pong. My parents played this game.
Brian: It takes this whole console just to do Pong?
Kirk: What is this? [Picks up and twists the paddle controller] Am I controlling the volume?
John: I'm just going to do this [twists the paddle controller as rapidly as possible].
Tim: John, don't do that. You'll die.
Andrew: This is a lot like that game. Um, whatchamacalit-- air hockey.
Sheldon: Except worse.
Andrew: Blip. Blip. Blip. Blip.
Becky: I don't ever see the point of have sound on this.
Andrew: Wow. The score is tied. It's so exhilarating.
Brian: I saw a documentary on this. The game was so popular in arcades that is got jammed up with quarters.
John: In this thing? [Points to the Pong game console]
Tim: I would never pay to play something like this.
John: I'd sooner jump up and down on one foot. By the way, is this supposed to be tennis or Ping-Pong?
Becky: Ping-Pong
Gordon: It doesn't even go over the net. It goes through it. I don't even think that thing in the middle is a net.
Tim: My line is so beating the heck out of your stupid line. Fear my pink line. You have no chance. I am the undisputed lord of virtual tennis. [Misses ball] Whoops.
John: Tim, how could you miss that? It was going like 1 m.p.h.
Sheldon: Hey, why does it say Sears on the controller?
EGM: Sears sold it for Atari.
Andrew: Isn't Sears, like, a clothing company?
Becky: Sears make everything. Actually, I've never been in there.
EGM: Guess how much this thing cost when it came out?
Kirk: Twenty bucks?
EGM: Higher.
Brian: $50?
EGM: Higher.
Brian: $100?
EGM: Yep.
Kirk: My God-- I could almost buy a PS2 for that. I'm sure when this came out, it was better than whatever else was out. Want to play chess with me, son? No way Dad.
Brian: I want to play Pong!
Tim: Oh, I'm starting to suck. John, you drained my skill.
John: Yes, I used a power-up.
Tim: What? There's no power-ups in Pong. The concept of the power-up hadn't been invented yet.

My whole body hurts... I wish I were still in bed ):

Tuesday, October 7

eh? long time no see....

Awesome past weekend I will have to blog about it some other time. When I have time...

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