
Monday, September 29

I went to the dry cleaners today, yeh it was buck sixty two. I got ripped. Nope really though I am thinking of finding away to make enough money to take all my cloths there. It took me about one minute to get in and out. I go back tommorow at 5. How hard is that?

Friday, September 26

Tetris spawned in Russia and the target of hondreds of imitators, Tetris is the original superaddtive puzzle game.

Tim: Which button do I press to make it blocks explode?
EMG: Sorry, they dont explode.
Becky: This is boring. Maybe if it had characters and stuff and different levels, it would be OK. If things blew up or something or-
Sheldon: If there were bombs.
Becky: Yeah, or spcial bricks. Like, if a yellow drick touched a red brick it would blow up and you'd have to start over.
John: Why havent I won yet? Ive paired up so many of the same color.
EMG: Dont worry about colors.
John: I just ined up six of the same color. Why didnt they blow up?
EMG: Nothing blows up.

Thursday, September 25

Meet the kids...
Tim 11, John 11, Andrew 12, Becky 12, Gordon 11, Sheldon 13, Brian 10, Kirk 12, Nico 13...

Handheld Football~1977, now yes I was not born then but I use to play...

Everyone who grew up in the '70s owned one of these portable two-player pigskin sims, which used red LED lights to represent players.

Brian: What's the supposed to be?
EGM: Football. Its one of the first great portable games.
Brian: I thought it was Run Away From the Dots.
John: I dont see how this has anything remotely to do with football.
EGM: Which team are you playing?Krik: The red lines.
Tim: They could've just as easily called this game anything- baseball, bowling, Escape from the Monsters.
EGM: Did you score?
Kirk: I bumped into a dot.

more to come....

Wednesday, September 24

Wow... Thats all I have to say.

Man my mouse sucks big time I have to click on one thing 400 million times! Thats what I was suppose to get today. I could not get it at Brookshires but now I know what it was.

I life is changing everyday in great ways. But I miss my bestfriend more than I ever thought I could. The one thing I miss the most is that talks we use to have. College just sucks it screws with everything. I know thats the way life is but... Yeh I know we all have one and they all stink. I just really wish somethings would never change. One of lifes lessons I learned at a very young age is "lifes not fair." I know that I have known that for years but it still does not change how I look at it.

I feel as if my body is changing as well, I dont have the urge to eat food like I use to. Nor to sleep. I know I need it but I dont want to do it. I wish there was just one pill a day I could take to by pass eatting. I would have so much more time. And as far as sleep goes I wish I did not need it. I think I have been getting to much. I am really so start cutting myself off just alittle. I remember when I use to only get 4 maybe 5 hours and I was good to go. Now I need 7 or 8, and if I get more thats great. But I feel as if I am wasting way to much of my time. I dont write anymore. I know what your thinking what is blogging. But its different, blogging is just my thoughts on things. But not going to make me any money.

Thats all folks...

Crap! I washed my car yesterday, and was looking at it this morning some one keyed my car! Not super bad, they did not push in real hard or anything. But that just sucks...

On an up note I got two new Computer Gaming Monthly magazines today :)
Theres always something in the way...

Tuesday, September 23

Tonight I went to Wills page and was looking at some pics from the last trip we all went on. Everytime I look at those pictures I see something new. The fact that it still blows my mind. I will never not go on a trip (assuming I have the money). Theres no reason not to take advantage of this awesome place God has provided for all us... When I look at them now if I was not in it, it would hard to belive I was there. I love waves, sun, and sand.

Monday, September 22

On the line to night with a Green EX (in whitehouse). Other wise I would have smoked him. Fun thing about it was the hick guys in the big jacked up chevy. They were yelling and cheering me on. I thought twice about it once I saw my fans. Then I thought what the smart thing was to do. I did see flashing lights. Two cops had pulled some dude over and were going through his truck like mad men.

Tonight was also our last night of class room in scuba. I made a 100 on the test. It was the best test I have even taken. Scuba Steve pretty much gave us the answers. We were aloud to talk them out and everything. Out of all the test I have taken in my life that was by far the most I have ever learned during one. Which is the purpose. If all test were that way in school I would have done much better. I know you are thinking that I would have never cracked a book. But happen to pretty much be that way.

Oh yeh and to do I got free soup today a Quiznos!!

Friday, September 19

I found this info on another blog and thought it was pretty cool:

the International Space Station. The ISS was originally conceived as a staging base for trips to the moon or to mars, cuz after you've achieved orbital velocity, you're already more than half way to escape velocity. However, the nature of the ISS changed when we (the U.S) decided to include the Russians. This was largely a political decision; to encourage political ties, but also to keep the former Soviet rocket scientists busy so they wouldn't turn their attention to nukes. However, when they decided to include the Russians, they had to put the station into a high inclination orbit (closer to around the poles than just the equator) that renders it pretty useless for interplanetary travel. A plus though, is that we get to use their launch sites to re-supply the ISS also. It's a tradeoff either way, but the ISS no longer serves its original purpose.
Today I was in the Rat Race once more. Only this time I cut my time almost in half. Instead of taking an hour to get to work like last week. The problem is all the school zones I have to go through. (last week I got behind the stupid school bus. But this week when I saw it go by I raced out of my driveway.) The traffic is so backed up I can not even see the first red light. So I turned into some neighbor hoods, blasted the music, and pretended that I was a race car driver. It was alot of fun... Then right as I got in to Tyler I did the same. So it gave me 15 extra minutes to eat my breakfast/ Blog. See since I get all my work done today with time to spar I give myself a morning break, and work through lunch. But now kickboxers with be here soon. Ohhh the joy...

Thursday, September 18

Tonight I had scuba it was our first real class in the water. Theres just something about learning under water that makes learning 10x better. There is no words so you have to watch real close. At first I felt myself wanting to drift away and look around the pool and at the bubbles. But once I got though that like spell it was smooth sailing. I did things tonight that I never thought I even could. It was like holding horse stance but not. I never thought I could take my mask off put it back on and clear it. But I did... Will and I got everything the first time at that. Yeh, were just that good. I even think I may have passed alittle test. Or at least scored brownie points. Scuba Steve just started giving the out of air sign (like he had been doing all night). But before he would point to someone give at sign and we would do the technique. But he did not point to anyone (that I saw) and I went to the rescue. Yet I still dont know what happen as far is if he just forgot to point or what. Oh well, I must sleep for I have to fight Whitehouse traffic in the morning...

Tuesday, September 16

Tonight is such an awesome night, I wish I could spend the night out by the lake (with no drunk people around). If I did not have to work the next day. I would spend the whole night looking up at the stars watching for falling/shooting stars. Talking (assuming some one else was there) or thinking what it would be like to go to space. Looking back on the earth as if it were a small ball that I could hold in the palm of my hand. Striving to know the answers day by day we all go on. I use to wonder what for. But everyday God shows me another reason why is worth it. Our lives are full of surprise, suspense and beauty. Some day will know really how lucky we are. Some day... But until then we can only hope and wonder what the future holds in store for us. The one thing I know is it will be great! So great in that in our wildest dreams still can't take us there. I have a hard time trying not to anticipating it, although I know its on it way. I am sure everyone does... However when I do slow down and take a look around at what we speed up and miss day in and day out. It makes me realize that every moment is special. We only have some many here. But what we have to come will be some much better. I get happy when thinking about my best moment and then thinking about it only getting better. How? God only knows and its best that way because if I knew I would probably just do something stupid.

One day we will know just how great the gifts we have really are...
We started a crazy horse stance contest... Well really not much of a contest so something for us to all help each other. However I have not been working on it like I should have been and I know I am going to pay the price sooner or later. But today I did 5 min. and it hurt like H3LL. But it feels good to be done with it.

Sunday, September 14

this weekend hit the spot
Cara started a blog...

Friday, September 12

It took me an hour to get the work this morning! All the stupid school zones and school traffic. Now I have not drove from my house to work on a Friday morning in a long time. But its like a zoo out there.

Thursday, September 11

Tonight we had scuba and the rain screwed it up... However we were able to get our 10 minutes of tread water/flot and the 300 yard swim. We also learned how to put our equipment together and take it apart. So the make up class is Tuesday, means no kungfu.
I am damn unsatisfied to be killed in this way. subtitle from a Hong Kong kung-fu movie
Blog rocks! Now I can change the date of my blog for free! Time as well!

Blog is so cool, I think we all really enjoy the sevice. But one thing I have noticed (and I do it also) But some of us wont talk about things simply so we have a new subject to blog about. Now I must cut is shot due to some combustion about to happen...

Wednesday, September 10

I had a dream I got into a fight with some person coming up to try out one of our kickboxing classes. I busted the chics nose and just smoked her. Kinda felt good :)

Most of the time when I have any dream with myself fighting it it I dont do jack. If anything I hit them over and over and they will smile at me. But feels good to have kicked some dream butt. I also got chased out of a car show. Dont know why, but none of the cars where worth looking at.

Tuesday, September 9

I just did a private with a little boy. He told me that he just got a new cat that was six weeks old and smelled like Diahrea

No action without reaction.
No desire without restraint.
Now give yourself up
and find yourself again.
Last night was the first night of scuba. I think pretty much the worst part is over with. All we did was watch this video. But Thur. night we get to get in the water :)

Sunday, September 7

my computer works agian... yahoo! now the only thing I need to check is to see if this old mouse works. if not to get a new one..

Saturday, September 6

Im eatting a dookie wads, that Will and I made :)

Wednesday, September 3

Well I ended up skipping out on the snowcone. However I did get icecream, I use to not like icecream at all. But I have been around alot of people that like it alot. So now I am starting to like it. Its kinda like the first time I had Sushi. I really had not before, but I lied and said I had. (and that I liked it) So when it came out even though I thought I was going to puke I slammed it down anyways. But now I like it alot... Oh yeh the flavor of this icecream was blue berry cheesecake. When the lady said that I was thinking now thats got to be pretty weird. So I said hit me up with some fool! And she did, it did not taste like cheese cake to me at all. Much less blueberry. Then I had never had it before that I know of.

Hong Kong 

I had a dream last night that I was in Hong Kong and everyone was out to try to kill me.... Nobody did but I had to run my ass of past a bunch of snow cone stands. Today I think I will have a snow cone I wanted one really really bad yesterday. But I was able to clam myself and go back to work. But today will be different I must have a Azul one :) ( I think that is blue in spanish. maybe.)

Tuesday, September 2


Some of the greatest lessons taught take years to learn... The big question is are we worth learning about them?

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