
Monday, September 22

On the line to night with a Green EX (in whitehouse). Other wise I would have smoked him. Fun thing about it was the hick guys in the big jacked up chevy. They were yelling and cheering me on. I thought twice about it once I saw my fans. Then I thought what the smart thing was to do. I did see flashing lights. Two cops had pulled some dude over and were going through his truck like mad men.

Tonight was also our last night of class room in scuba. I made a 100 on the test. It was the best test I have even taken. Scuba Steve pretty much gave us the answers. We were aloud to talk them out and everything. Out of all the test I have taken in my life that was by far the most I have ever learned during one. Which is the purpose. If all test were that way in school I would have done much better. I know you are thinking that I would have never cracked a book. But happen to pretty much be that way.

Oh yeh and to do I got free soup today a Quiznos!!
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