
Saturday, February 7

I feel like such a loser... My husband is in another state. My bestfriend is in College Station. Im at home like old times watching movies and being bored out of my mind. I wish I just knew what to do. Pretty sad my two best friends in the world are gone right now.

I know I have only been around 19 years. Im just starting to wonder what I was doing all that time. I have only made two real friends, married one of them. Best decision I have ever made by the way. Its amazing how much you can miss two people.

Im at my new home now. That's right South Sneed Street. My first time to ever live on a really street. You know it has a name not a number. Not just some washed away oil top road. The funny thing is up until today it has not felt like home. Until later today. I took my sister home (my old home) I thought I might stick around watch some TV or something. But when I got there did not even feel right to take food out of the refrigerator. My ex dog Harley was really glad to see me. Man I wish I could bring her home with me. One of the other things I really miss. Just having a dog they really are great company, sad enough to say. Shes just to cool. I think Rocket and I will bond a little more, since shes the only living thing I have to talk with. Plus I lost her all this morning. Could not find her anywhere, long story....

Tonight is a first for me. Lots of new things in store. My first married night alone. My first married night to stay up late and watch movies. I think I will be doing a lot of movie watching this week. Thursday night I am going to Sifus house to eat dinner, kinda like old times. Then Friday im driving to College Station with Lauren to visit Cara. I cant wait. By the time Friday rolls around I think I will be a social vegetable. Will fills up 99.9% of my social life, his friends, his family, all his emails I get from him. I have gotten one email today. From him ofcourse, its been the highlight of my day so far.
yea Monday is really going to suck with no one to talk/email to. Hum... Guessing it will be kinda like now.

I also went to Brookshires today, buying food is no fun when its only for you. Now I see how people who live alone always have an empty fridge. So to make thing better I just bought alot of Ramon noodles... Yeh, not sure how that's better yet. But its fast.

I feel like such cheese.. Oh and I got my lip busted today at kungfu.. By who you ask?? Me! haha, yea just one of those things.. You know im good like that.

As you can tell I have not spoke to a human in past four hours, currently looking not to change. Oh yeh and to make matters worse Club Civic.com is down...
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