
Tuesday, May 20

I just got off the phone with Matt after a good long chat. I am not really a phone person so it is unusual for me to talk well over an hour. We just mainly talked about how we dont know were our lifes are taking us. Nor do we know what we want. The one thing we both want is to just be happy with how we are doing things. I am but hes not. He has the chance to get out of the Army, do to medical. However it is treatable. Others think he should carry out his job with the army. I think if you are not happy and have the chance to get happy. Why not?

I dont know what I am going to do ten years from now I know I will be doing kungfu. That right there is enough for me. I know its not for others. And I might not live of to what other think I should. But as long as I am happy. Thats all I care about, and I feel that is ok. Maybe I wont be like everyone else and go to college, get married, have a family, and die. But thats what makes me who I am. I use to want to be rich and be able to have nice things. Now for some reason that does not matter to me. I just want to fall in love with a wonderful man. If I do kungfu by day and wait tables by night and thats what I love to do. Thats what I am going to do, I dont care what everyone else thinks I should do. I might be making a really bad choice. But just cause it did not workout for someone else does not mean that it would work out for me.
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