Thursday, March 20
After hearing the Presidents address last night, the first one have heard after everything. Just makes me want to know more details, do we really know where Sadam is? Just like we knew where Bin Laden was after 9/11 and how we were going to have him 3 days after the booming? I just really think America is getting in to something alittle more than what we think. I heard one tv station say it would only take about 7 to 10 days and we should be out of there?? I really feel like this will be a much longer term war.. I also watch what MTV had to say, it talked to some kids from Iraq. They were just like America teens, live in a huge house, played PS, and listen to Back Street boys and other Amierica bands. But then when asked if we deserved what happen to us on 9/11 they said "yes". There country does not want our help, and Bush said we are doing this to help them. They know the goverment is screwed up, yet they do not want our help. So why are we helping someone that does not want our help? That is more along the lines of what I want to know. And I do think that we should have done something faster since we are going to do something.
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