
Monday, March 31

I started playing stand. mode this morning in DDR... I figer it was time to start moving on up in the DDR playing.

My Mom took off work today so I dont have the house to myself this morning, it has really messed me up ): Weird how little things like that can throw your whole day off. Oh and we also have not food, for real! As I looked in the frige this morning I saw some old BBQ sauce, old cheese, and sweet pickles! Kinda stinks so I think I am going to head up to the school and work on my forms of Berkeley. I dont think I am going to do the flute anymore, does not look like there will be a divison that I can compete with it in... bummer.

Sunday, March 30

worked the weekend away... then played diskgolf....

Friday, March 28

Last night I help Will take Sifu old couch and table to his house. Really was not all that bad, I am not sore from it. Like I thought I might be. I was just trying to think use your legs not your back.. Would of helped just a little is my arms could have been a few hairs longer (:

I am still in the process of trying to find out if the Disogee would be a long weapon or flexible. I really hope its long, I am thinking of just trying it in long and seeing what happens.

Thursday, March 27

I had this dream last night about going to Dallas, almost getting hit but i yeilded. Then getting pulled over and my truck searched, the cop was saying my swords were real (and there not). Then he pulled out a broadsword and was like "yes its real". I was like "no man you got ripped off thats fake". haha pretty weird. Then as I was able to get back in my car and keep on into Dallas, I hit so much traffic, ppl were getting out of there cars and walking in to Dallas!!! BS or what, but there was a Starbucks and a water park that I got to go through, and this one water slide had a loop (:

*oh and right before I met this hot, nice and good looking guy i woke up d:

Wednesday, March 26

Ended up going to the mall and hanging out... Playing alittle DDR, suck so bad everyone else is like a master at the game. Oh and Kenny hit some girl, IN HIS CAR!! Talk about in deap. Jenna I have are starting to get the hit, anytime we hang out the cops come around....

"You know the world is going crazy when the best rapper is a white guy, the best
golfer is a black guy, France is accusing the US of arrogance, and Germany
doesn't want to go to war..."
Jenna is on her way out to my house to come save me from being board (:
Well no sun so I dont think I will hanging by the pool today. Why is it that all my days off the sun does not come out? I mean I know that I only have one but come'on.. (: So since there was no sun I am making a new kinda cook, this time from a mix. All I had to do was add one stick butter and one egg. So as long as I dont burn them (I have the timer set) they should turn out much better.I hear it now...

Tuesday, March 25

this is a much better look more along the lines of what I have been wanting :)
Will sent me this link of some guys blog thats in in Iraq (so they say)...
Salam Pax

I ended up putting to much salt in my cookies, oh well better luck next time.

Class tonight was great, as normal. I have been trying to work more on put more spirt into my forms. I think with me as far as forms go for tournment, thats what it could come down to. Plus its just something I really need to work on. Thats going to be my main thing I work on tommorow I think. I am also going to bake more cookies (: Maybe sit out by pool....

Wow over 300 people have been to my page, or maybe just the same person 300 times (:

Monday, March 24

I am not sure that I cooked my cookies long enough now, they are pretty soft. Yet maybe its a good thing. I am going to take them to work and see what others think.
I made cookies :)
Went to Dallas for boba this weekend and ate at mango thai. It was a fun ride, although there was a ton for fog on the way back. Sunday morning sucked big time, I really did not want to get out of bed. But afterwards we went and ate and then went to the lake and pretty much just chilled there all day.

I have been getting more details about the tourment coming up. I really slacked off this weekend, I should have been working on my forms. Ahhh oh well I am going ot make up for it today as soon as i get off work.

Friday, March 21

I now have my plane ticket, and John is going to take me to the airport so i dont have to pay $75 to leave my truck there. Ahh what a great day :)

Thursday, March 20

After hearing the Presidents address last night, the first one have heard after everything. Just makes me want to know more details, do we really know where Sadam is? Just like we knew where Bin Laden was after 9/11 and how we were going to have him 3 days after the booming? I just really think America is getting in to something alittle more than what we think. I heard one tv station say it would only take about 7 to 10 days and we should be out of there?? I really feel like this will be a much longer term war.. I also watch what MTV had to say, it talked to some kids from Iraq. They were just like America teens, live in a huge house, played PS, and listen to Back Street boys and other Amierica bands. But then when asked if we deserved what happen to us on 9/11 they said "yes". There country does not want our help, and Bush said we are doing this to help them. They know the goverment is screwed up, yet they do not want our help. So why are we helping someone that does not want our help? That is more along the lines of what I want to know. And I do think that we should have done something faster since we are going to do something.

Wednesday, March 19

Today should be much better than the last, I sure hope that is since I dont need to be buy new pants everyday of the week.

I have been thinking about dreams alot, and why I dream what I do? I have been having some very weird dreams, thinkings I would never do to people or say or act that way. Most of the time when someone either gets on my nerves or just flat out pisses me off I just let things slide. I think problems tend to be made worse when you try to talk to them. There for I just wait it out and if it something that they notice and want to fix then I am all for listening or helping in anyway. I have always loved sleeping because you can have anything you want when you are dreaming, drive any car, be any place. * like last night I was snow boarding, only thing was they did not have much snow to make any jumps ):* So I suppose in dreams you can really tell people how you feel. I just in really would never put things the way I tend to put them in my dreams....

Tuesday, March 18

The day improved quite a bit, I got new pants and socks. Talk about being in luck. Then agian thats just another 20 bucks away from a wakeboard. As I have been thinking more and more about it, I think I just want to spend my whole summer at the lake. I also want to go to the beach sometime this summer just a weekend type of gig. I want to rent some surf boards really bad, I dont want anyone going that is not willing to surf or skim board (which I already have so we would not need to rent). I know the beachs in texas dont put off any big time waves but really I dont care. I just want to surf! Anyone that might want to go just let me know and I will let you know more about dates as soon as I think of some.
SHOOT A MONKEY!! ~I just spilled dressing all in my pants and the way my kungfu pants are just kinda sat right in the middle. So now it looks like I just pissed my pants and just "shiney". My socks are also wet from all the stinkin' rain, not even noon and my day sucks!
I really seem to have a major problem with buying things off of ebay and half.com. Since I dont have a problem buying things from store other than what I need gas, food ect. it does not put me in any major money bind. I saw a bag like the one Will has, everyone is always making comments on how big my back pack is on me. Not that I care but I did notice that the last couple of times that I have went somewhere I have been loading it down quite a bit. So there for I bought that bag on ebay (assuming that i win) its black with white hibiscus flowers outlined in grey. Its from Honolulu. Now I would like to get a solid color. But I looked for about an hour last night to the point were a few flowers never killed anyone. I kinda like it, just hope it does not end up being alittle to much for me.

I think in order to help fix some of my buy problem (yeh right!) I am going to start selling things over half, mainly just old cds that I no longer listen to, I am thinking of just burning myself a copy of all my cds and then selling the origional. But I am sure there is some law agianst that.

Monday, March 17

I now like my hair cut much more, not as bad as I thought it was. With it down I kinda look a little older, woo woo guys!!

This past Saturday I contuinued on my search for a bathing suit. Now I dont have the problem most people have (now I only say most people now after spending countless time in different ladys changing rooms). My biggest problem was that I wanted a two piece that covered the most part of my @$$, seems as if the people making girls swimsuits felt differently. On my jouney to find my swimsuit I got to listen to plenty of what I am guess women between the ages of oh say 15 and 25 complain about there bodys. And how it was just this store and there suits not them?? Well after going to another store turns out something was wrong with their suits as well. To cut to the chase I found a very cute suit that I like. While getting an education that I could have lived just fine with out knowing.

Friday, March 14

I woke up this morning with the urge to cut my hair, there for i went in a cut it. Well pretty much cut it all off, I have no hair.

Wednesday, March 12

I got to lay in bed this morning till 9. I woke up at 5:45 its just not longer possible for me to ever sleep in no matter how much I try to force myself. I know I have talked about it before. I just cant seem to face the facts. Will also gave me this really cool book "the E myth" its about small companys and why most dont make it. Probably should have been reading rather and trying to force myself to sleep.

Tuesday, March 11

Woke at 6 am and went to Texas A&M and did a tour of a campus with Cara. It was nice but just not for me. After the tour we went to Freebirds for lunch, ahhh it was so good. However I really pay for it the next day man it was bad to begin with. Oh yeh I also farted 36 times on the way back from College Station. Thats not counting on the way down. Must be some kinda record.

Afterwards we got back to Tyler and left for Dallas we went to get some bags that we ended up not getting... It was still a fun little trip I got to get Boba, yahoo thats there times in the last week and a half. Cara did not like her Boba, so we ended up seeing who could spit it out and hit the cars going by.

Friday, March 7

Today has already been a super long day, by 5 I am going to be dead. Yesterday we had some lady b!tch me out about having to pay a reg. fee. Ok its one time, and its 29 bucks. Most places around 150 bucks. So she said she was coming back today to talk to someone else. I guess she thinks they are going to cave and just let her have everything for free. I hate people that think they can just walk right in here quote a price and pay what ever the please. Give me a break! People like her make me not walk to talk or help anyone.

Tuesday, March 4

One of the funniest things happen a few days ago that I just heard about this morning. My Mom called telling the that this guy I know broke up with his latest girlfriend (hes a guy hoe). Well turns out she was not to happy about his choice. He happens to be really big into AG. He also has the prize winning goat, cost around $300. Which I must say if I ever spend $300 bucks on a goat he better taste really good. Anyways he has been taking his goat to alot of contest a winning quite a bit of money from what I hear. Well the girl I suppose wanted to get back at him. Well she did not Key his car or do any major damage. She Paint his goat PURPLE! And he has some huge contest this weekend. Now I have never heard of a purple goat, so I got a pretty big kick out of it...

Monday, March 3

Super Duper day! not... Its really sucked. I finally broke down and got my truck inspected, someone will probably buy it now that I waste the money. Ahhh I hate to think of it, just another way for our screwy goverment to screw us over agian. Not like they dont get the best of us as it is...

Bush lowering taxes will really be in the best intrest for America. See by most Americans making more money they well spend more which means companys will need to hire more employes. By giving people more jobs and companys making more money. So see everyone will be happy. But the democrats. I say send them to Iraq so we can nuke them too. " just playing" but I dont agree with them at all, and the way things are looking never will. Unless something really weird happens.

Sunday, March 2

Ahhh I have now gotten my boba fix. I should be good for another week. Yesterday was great! Good eattin, kungfu, and Wills poo stories. After seeing Cradle 2 the grave Friday night I came home played a little DDR (I sucked by the way). Then just crashed like a plane for a good 7 hours. I ended up waking up late Saturday morning, the time that I am normally leaving the house. So a ran around trying to get ready, I did not time myself but I would be will to bet that it was in under 5 minutes. Went on to the kungfu school did class that morning it felt pretty good outside for once. Was not 100 degrees outside nor 5 below (not that its every been that cold). After wards around 12:45 (supose to meet at 12) we headed out for lunch was really good also free. The guy who owns the Diner that we ate at covered our meal. Which made it even that much better. Once agian we hit the road about 30 min later we had to take a quick little pit stop for a potty break. Now off to I20, we got to Dallas and drove around for a good 20 min maybe longer give or take looking for the kungfu school. Well turns out we past it atleast two times, it also happens to be clearly marked. Once we got there everyone changed and got warmed up and straight into Sei Lo Ban Da, Might I add was an awsome form. Lot of kicks but not anything to off the wall. Then off to Boba, by that time I think everyone was quite hungry so it was the perfect snack/drink to hold everyone off till we got back to Sigun Foggs house. Pretty much the rest is history had Thai food, good conversation, and a nice ride home. Then work the next morning, yuck!

Today my plans were to wake up go to work, eat lunch, come home play DDR, take nap, wake up agian play more DDR. Then sleep once agian.
What really happend woke up went to work, ate lunch, and DDR all day long. I have gotten much better from Friday night.

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