
Monday, January 27

what a day what a day! Well to start things off Cara woke me up :) it was cool though i was about to have to get up anyways. So i got up and made a bowl of cereal and the milk was bad, eh! and then Chirs made me waffles and they were burned. Still good i scraped the crust off.

Then I got to work and hour early cuz i did not look at the schedule right. I started my day with a private with Joby who is ADHD and the ended it with Bobby who is ADD and about to snap. I swear he is the type of kid who would take a gun to school.

Aside from all that I went to an awsome superbowl party. Cara and I painted our faces black and red, and made shirts. Now everyone knows I am not a football fan yet however I watch the whole first half. The half time show sucked butt monkeys! Stick with No Douht! give me a break. I spent the rest of the party in the kictchen with Ja Lee, Jonahs, Mai, and a guy from south america. He talked just the Fezz off of that 70s show. Mai is from Thailand very cool, cant wait to hang with her some more.

Oh yeh and to show my football smarts, I thought when everyone was saying bucks they ment like the deer. Not the a priate of a ship. Doh!

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