Wednesday, January 29
oh heck yeh i am jackie chan!

click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!
You are Jackie
Chan! you like to take risks. you live for the moment. you are a thrill-seeker.
At heart, you're a really nice person.
you funny, charasmatic and full of energy. although sometimes your goofness
gets you into trouble, your
drunken boxing skills are fabulous! just bring a pot of rice wine with you.

click here to find out which asian action superstar you are!
You are Jackie
Chan! you like to take risks. you live for the moment. you are a thrill-seeker.
At heart, you're a really nice person.
you funny, charasmatic and full of energy. although sometimes your goofness
gets you into trouble, your
drunken boxing skills are fabulous! just bring a pot of rice wine with you.
Monday, January 27
what a day what a day! Well to start things off Cara woke me up :) it was cool though i was about to have to get up anyways. So i got up and made a bowl of cereal and the milk was bad, eh! and then Chirs made me waffles and they were burned. Still good i scraped the crust off.
Then I got to work and hour early cuz i did not look at the schedule right. I started my day with a private with Joby who is ADHD and the ended it with Bobby who is ADD and about to snap. I swear he is the type of kid who would take a gun to school.
Aside from all that I went to an awsome superbowl party. Cara and I painted our faces black and red, and made shirts. Now everyone knows I am not a football fan yet however I watch the whole first half. The half time show sucked butt monkeys! Stick with No Douht! give me a break. I spent the rest of the party in the kictchen with Ja Lee, Jonahs, Mai, and a guy from south america. He talked just the Fezz off of that 70s show. Mai is from Thailand very cool, cant wait to hang with her some more.
Oh yeh and to show my football smarts, I thought when everyone was saying bucks they ment like the deer. Not the a priate of a ship. Doh!
Oh and add a new pic
Then I got to work and hour early cuz i did not look at the schedule right. I started my day with a private with Joby who is ADHD and the ended it with Bobby who is ADD and about to snap. I swear he is the type of kid who would take a gun to school.
Aside from all that I went to an awsome superbowl party. Cara and I painted our faces black and red, and made shirts. Now everyone knows I am not a football fan yet however I watch the whole first half. The half time show sucked butt monkeys! Stick with No Douht! give me a break. I spent the rest of the party in the kictchen with Ja Lee, Jonahs, Mai, and a guy from south america. He talked just the Fezz off of that 70s show. Mai is from Thailand very cool, cant wait to hang with her some more.
Oh yeh and to show my football smarts, I thought when everyone was saying bucks they ment like the deer. Not the a priate of a ship. Doh!
Oh and add a new pic
Friday, January 24
Thursday, January 23
Nothing wants to go my way.... I think thats just that, but oh well 13 days and I am on a plane out of here. -yahoo-
Tuesday, January 21
Test driving tonight, oh yeh. This that sucks about it is I will leave about 8 after kungfu. And this place is about an hour from my house so I wont be getting home untill who knows. I turned in the app. for the load yesterday it said 24 hours and you will know, but I will give them will wed. before I start calling.
Found out that we are doing a demo Chinese New Year at some Asian Dinner, and they are giving all of us -ppl in demo- free lunch. Now last time I ate there the rice tasted old and the chicken was sweet. Not good at all, however if it is free this time I am will to give them another shot.
Found out that we are doing a demo Chinese New Year at some Asian Dinner, and they are giving all of us -ppl in demo- free lunch. Now last time I ate there the rice tasted old and the chicken was sweet. Not good at all, however if it is free this time I am will to give them another shot.
Saturday, January 18
as a few of you know, I have been looking at a new Ranger Edge.
MP3 player
fully loaded - to save time-
I will know more sometime after monday, hoping fully everything will workout. If not theres always more fish in the sea.
MP3 player
fully loaded - to save time-
I will know more sometime after monday, hoping fully everything will workout. If not theres always more fish in the sea.
Thursday, January 16
These events taken place in the year 2205, and onward. We are posting these events in your present or our past. This might be explicitly disturbing. What you are reading and viewing are our daily events. They had happened in our time although still distant from yours.
-dude, I am board and hungry-
These events taken place in the year 2205, and onward. We are posting these events in your present or our past. This might be explicitly disturbing. What you are reading and viewing are our daily events. They had happened in our time although still distant from yours.
-dude, I am board and hungry-
Tuesday, January 14 is up and running now with its first product online. Its a must get.
aside from that not much is going on, just sucks. Oh yeh i got a black eye, doh! -what a dork-
aside from that not much is going on, just sucks. Oh yeh i got a black eye, doh! -what a dork-
Thursday, January 9
Wednesday, January 8
Today is going to be one awsome day! I have the day off and I am meeting Cara after she gets out of school, going to the movies, probably play a little discgolf. Cant wait!
*Crap burned the oat meal* -yes is true, I cant seem to ever remember I am cooking something while on the compter-
*Crap burned the oat meal* -yes is true, I cant seem to ever remember I am cooking something while on the compter-
Tuesday, January 7
Was talking to Cara today and yesterday about how much things are about to change in just one more semister. I hate the thought of everyone going off to college. I wish things could stay just the way they are. I know we have to get better jobs inorder to make more money, and get away from our parents. Its just so hard to belive that it is about to happen... I dont know how I will ever deal with it.
Looks like its going to be about $350 bucks out of Tyler, that sucks. I knew it was going to be about that much, I dont know why I think one day I will log on and it will be free. Now I must talk to Sifu to find out it I am really going or not. And if so get the correct dates, and purchase a ticket. I hope this all works out. I hate getting my hopes up for stuff that does not happen.
*This past weekend we also did our yearly demo for Sifu Fogg, and I did not screw up to bad. (: Really everyone did ok this year, lots of room for inporvement for everyone. But I would be worried if there wasent.
*This past weekend we also did our yearly demo for Sifu Fogg, and I did not screw up to bad. (: Really everyone did ok this year, lots of room for inporvement for everyone. But I would be worried if there wasent.
Monday, January 6
Friday, January 3
I have a problem.... I love COFFE!!! I could drink 10 cups a day if I have the chance..
* Also this stupid coke machine up at the kungfu school is broke and making the horrible sound - I think we should turn it off-
* Also this stupid coke machine up at the kungfu school is broke and making the horrible sound - I think we should turn it off-
Thursday, January 2
Wow now what was one heck of a New Years! Were to start well Caras house almost cought on fire. -You ask how so?- Well to make things simple one fire work fail backwards short the house bounced off on to a room were all the other fire works are being kept. Then on big bang, and before we knew it you could not even see the room that all of this was taking place in. So we have and gave the neighbors the best fireworks show around.
Aside from that I got these new blue contacts and they kick butt.
Aside from that I got these new blue contacts and they kick butt.